Sunday, November 20, 2011

An open letter to congress

Dear congress

You have spent the last several months attempting to finalize a national budget. No easy task from anyones' standpoint. You have however overlooked the consequences of the actions you are about to take. With the best of intentions both sides stand rigid in their political ideologies however one side has another agenda that has nothing to do with solving the problem. You have a choice now. You can either continue to fight with locked horns until some deadline hits or put aside your petty differences and act accordingly. To slap an across the board 10% cut in all programs is no solution. It will only make matters worse. If you think what is happening in the streets today is bad now consider what will happen when even those whose job it is to protect public security are laid off due to lack of funds (something we're already beginning to see). We the majority did not create this economic problem but we are guilty of allowing it to happen by not paying closer attention to what you've done the past twenty or thirty years. The laws of long past were written for a reason. They were put in place to prevent the kinds of things that are happening now. Capitalism was never meant to be a form of gambling yet with the current disregard for principles it has eroded into just that. We truly do not need any new set of complex regulations or agencies. The laws of old were quit specific and very effective. They kept this nation moving forward through up turns and downs. You might just consider reinstating some of them and we wouldn't have the mess we face now. And as an added benefit you won't even need a lengthy and difficult process of having to write such legislation. The work has already been done for you.


  1. If Niacin (Vitamin B3) can be bought for $10, why should Niaspan, the pharmaceutical copycat, cost $300?


  2. Nice letter, but nobody in Congress will bother to read it unless it's accompanied by a 7-figure campaign contribution.

  3. Nothing is going to get fixed, deal with it.

  4. 40/50 years ago there was a lot less people, and bankers and such were a lot more honest. I'm glad to have lived through those times.

  5. I commend you to the late Justice Louis Brandeis warning to the nation that " We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."

  6. Very good, Demeur, except for this:

    "With the best of intentions both sides stand rigid in their political ideologies however one side has another agenda that has nothing to do with solving the problem."

    That one side, the Republican side, has intentions that are purely cynical and selfish. There's nothing good about their intentions for anyone but them and their big-money backers.

  7. BBC, that excellent Brandeis quote makes me wonder if you've visited Oh!pinion. (If not, you're certainly welcome.)

  8. SWA, no big-money backers on the ostensible left? C'mon, now you're talking crazy. :)

  9. Many elected officials on the left aren't creatures, purely hired agents, of big-money backers. Find me any on the right who aren't.

    That's not as great a distinction as I want and as the country needs, but it is a distinction with a difference.
