Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Pussy and the clown car drives on

With clowns falling out of the car this week the "blunderBUS" moves on leaving a trail of Huntsman and Perry in it's wake. Hey this isn't a boat get back to the right analogy. Fumbling and stumbling whirling and twisting they'd better start using Desenex spray for mouthwash. I want a job too but ya have to reveal a few things about yourself to get the job. Imagine if you went to an interview and expected to be hired and the interviewer asked for past financial records. If you told him/her you'd provide that info once you got hired what do you think he'd/she'd say? Okay so you break down and tell them you'll provide that info in a couple of months but only for the past year could you imagine the laughter at such arrogance? If Mittens thinks he can just bully his way into office he has another thing coming.

Then there was the major gaff of Perry. Any fifth grader knows that Turkey is our ally and not some terrorist nation. I guess Ricky cut his high school history classes or maybe Texas is teaching another version. Oh I forgot anyone wearing a turban or other head scarf is a terrorist. They're all alike you know. This reminds me of something that happened just after 911. My idiot neighbor (a republican of course) was on the alert for suspicious activity. About 4 am a man driving the neighborhood with a turban on is spotted by said neighbor. The police are called. I can only imagine the look on the poor guys face when he gets surrounded by 5 cop cars at 4 am. Turns out he was delivering newspapers. Note to neighbor: "He was from India you idiot!"

So Newt gets all miffed when asked about a previous marriage. I have a question for him. Hey Newt when do you plan on cheating on your current wife or have you already found a new mistress? Maybe you should change religions again I hear the Mormons permitted multiple wives at one point. Next question. Just how many ethics violations were you charged with before being forced from congress? And you expect us to hire you?

No bank fails of late but I'll check later and get back to you. Bank fail update After nearly a month of no fails we have three this week in FL GA and PA

Postscript: To all the progressive radio and TV shows that read this blog I thank you for your patronage but a little acknowledgment might be appreciated. Once while driving to work I heard the very same words I had written verbatim the night before on progressive radio.


  1. At ye olde appartement complex we had a sizable chunk of Sikh renters, and man, right after 9/11 the stares and mouthing they had to put up with from some of the morans.

  2. When my wife gets out of the shower and dons her Turkish towel turban, I go into high alert, level 3 and 1/2 at the least. You never know when a spouse will turn on you. Until she takes it off, she is on my list.

  3. "Any fifth grader knows that Turkey is our ally and not some terrorist nation."

    Unfortunately a lot of rightwing bloggers and pundits don't know this. They lump Turkey in with Iraq, Iran and all them other swarthy Mooslem countries.

  4. Frankly, I don't give a shit past turban's being interesting targets.

  5. You have another fan.
    If quoted verbatim, someone is paying attention.

    Congrats, even if it is off handed.

  6. Newt very well might have a new mistress. The word from his ex, Maryann, is that Callista doesn't care if he's unfaithful. Makes me wonder if she considers it a blessed relief if he takes his business elsewhere.
