Saturday, January 21, 2012

Where'd they go?

About once per week I go through my lists of favorite blogs. This is much like you'd swing by a friends house to catch up on their goings on. Sadly though you come across ones that haven't been home in a while or worse some that have been deleted. I do try to keep track of the people behind those crazy names. I can tell when they may not be around. Some get busy with work or family issues. Some have medical problems but one or two have vanished without a trace. One in particular Distributorcap was a very well known blogger for many years. He not only posted some very funny political photoshop satire on his own site but was a contributor to several other blogs as well. Then one day I popped over for my usual shot of funny only to find that he was only permitting a select few to his site by permission only. I searched in vain for his email address to see what was going on. Then in checking just recently I find his blog deleted all together. That makes me wonder. He looked like the type who'd be blogging for years. Had a sudden accident prevented him from doing what he liked? Was there an illness? You know that unless I drop dead of a heart attack that I'm in it for the long run. To just up and leave you hanging is not my style. So you're stuck with me at least for now. But it's almost as if you've lost a friend when you go and find a dead link. Speaking of which I almost thought I lost this post until I realized I had the archive set to published.

At least the snow is finally gone now and it's back to the usual warm rain. Pretty good. Fifteen inches of snow gone in just a day. We have an expression here "If you don't like the weather just wait ten minutes". That's one visitor I hope I don't see soon again. So as a neighborly present we're sending it your way in the east. Now it's out to restock the provisions because you can't make much out of just a couple of cans of corn and I don't think the TP supply would last much longer either.

Later and to the neighbors in the east drive safely!


  1. Yeah, I have run into the same here today, gone tomorrow blog with no explanation. Dedicated blogging takes some commitment. And As I well know, Life has a way of getting in the way. Add into it the potential for burn out, and it is no wonder most blogs do not last more than a year or two.

    I'm in it for the long haul also. Seems only the reprobates and low lifes hang on longer than they should.

    Oh, and thanks for the snow. About time winter kicked it into gear around here.

  2. I had the same experience. Hadn't been checking the blogs on my blogroll for awhile and discovered several had disappeared. I deleted them and also some that hadn't posted for a year or so. I was sorry DistributorCap stopped blogging; I know he had been fed up with the politics from time to time so maybe he felt it was just too much. I am FB friends with him and I am happy to report he is alive and well - just checked his page to make sure! Also has a new job so that may be taking up his efforts.

  3. As if a job is more important that spouting off about crap various & ridiculous on the interwebs when everything is gonna eventually feel the brunt of red giantism unless 50 foot radioactive ants get to us first.

  4. I didn't notice that Distributorcap was gone, as you point out a lot of good ones have gone by the side for some reason but we won't.

    By the way, I am a rare commodity here in the East beside Mount Wachusett. The deeper the better butby the end of March I am sick for spring. Summer too gets old though.

  5. Well, one of my blogging buddies, a lady in New Zealand, died. Zirelda put her blog as private but the truth is she just isn't blogging.

    I think many simply get tired of it and go do other things.

    Your snow went fast, still have some here but it may be gone by tomorrow.

  6. I'm coming up on 1000 posts on just my one blog.

  7. Where have all the bloggers gone, Long time passing...
    Gone to Facebook, every one.
    When will they ever learn.

    A LOT of my former blogger buddies ONLY Facebook. Ain't the same!

  8. I tried a blog per day for a while and it is WORK. Also not much interesting going on here at the moment.

  9. Roger, that was good! And sadly, true. In fact it was FB that sucked me away from blogs for awhile but I realized what I was missing and came back.

  10. Distributor caps new job is why he quit blogging.
    Apparently he was afraid someone at work would find out about and didn't want to take the chance.
    He works for a very prominent national news company.

  11. Thanks for the heads up Busted. But don't tell me they lean to the right. When I work I have no qualms about expressing my views. Even got into a few heated debates with the boss on occasion.
