Friday, March 9, 2012

Pussy is late this morning

For some reason I always forget when Friday comes creeping up on me until the last moment and like being late for an appointment have to rush with the latest incarnation of casa Demeur. All is going and that's about all I can say about life of late. The sun comes up and sets in the evening and another artery hardens. The weather gets warm the weather gets cold, one thing leads to another and life goes on. Starting to understand how a cat feels although kitty can't browse the web or build a shed but there must be more to life than scanning news sites and watching reruns on TV. If all work and no play make Jack a dull boy then what does too much idle time do to a soul. Idle hands may be the Devils' workshop but I did the Devils bidding years ago so he's got nothing new for me. Should I take up a foreign language? Or maybe learn to play the violin? Better think again, never could get past basic phrases and with these arthritic hands the tunes would come out like cat scratch. But hey maybe that would be the new rage. What to do? What to do? No jobs yet. Sunk to the bottom of the barrel, but it's okay I carry on life's not over just yet. Not to the point where you can just wheel me over to the window and sit me on the sill so like kitty I can watch the cars go by or be fascinated with insects moving about. No don't get the obit ready yet I'm not finished with this mortal coil although sometimes I feel like it died but I'm still here trapped in it's aged structure. Live fast and die young they said, Ha! that sure worked out great. Guess I didn't live fast enough cause the train left without me.

Bank fails later maybe
Update: One bank fail this week in Illinois bringing the grand total to nearly 400 since this economic storm began.


  1. I'm looking at things a bit differently then I did. I'm just waiting for when things will be over..Looking forward to that long dirt nap.... I must admit when I saw that you were waiting for pussy, I perked up a wee. I thought at least he's getting laid. lol

  2. Laid? Are you kidding? Only pussy around here was of the feline variety and she checked out in December.

  3. I still manage to do things of interest, too me anyway. My pussies think I'm the doorman.

  4. Spring is coming. Maybe work will come with it.
