Thursday, March 8, 2012

What's good for the goose...

Never did I think that somebody would take my ideas on the contraception legislation seriously but here we have the proof. Lest you forgot in one of my prior posts I suggested that since women would be required to undergo an invasive and unnecessary medical procedure that it was only fitting that the men should experience a similar fate. Little did I know that some of our female legislators were working on just such an idea. Several states and multiple bills are being presented to state house and senate legislatures concerning men's health. How wonderfully thoughtful these ladies are in their considering. I haven't looked at all of their ideas yet but got a brief sampling of their ideas. One calls for all men to endure a rectal probe (humm wonder where they got that idea? Gee aint I a stinker as Buggs Bunny would say.) along with a psych evaluation. Another bill (see video) requires men to watch a video about the horrors of priapism before being prescribed Viagra.

Fair warning no animals or men were harmed in the making of this video. It may be mature but it isn't graphic:

Hopefully this vid will work I'm not that tech savvy with the innernuts. Oops I said nuts snicker snicker.


  1. Don't any of these yahoos realize that 40 is the new 60?

  2. Good to hear that people are fighting back with this stupidity. Will it affect the vote in any way this fall?

  3. Viagra users should be required to watch a four-hour video of those infamous 4-hour erections we've all been warned about.
