Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday Pussy - Mirror mirror on the wall

What the hell is going on? Warm up the pixels to the world and let's have the latest here it comes. I'm a poet and didn't know it. Longfellow move over here I come.

Trite you say? You want trite? Justin Boo Boo would fit the bill. Who f'in cares? Slap the kid on the "no fly list" and we'll never see the likes of him again at least not in this country. Problem solved. Now that's entertainment unless unless....

Unless you look at politics in NY or New Jersey. Sheesh! They just might run out of prosecuting attorneys before that's all over. Nothing could be more humiliating and degrading unless you compare it to a certain Toronto mayor who's now become the world's laughing stock.

Speaking of stocks (who asked you?) it appears someone has grabbed the flush handle and we now see the swirling mass or retirement funds making it way down septic system of the financial markets. Makes sense considering it's all run by rats. Sorry that would be an insult to rats. What's that smell?

Perhaps another cruise ship but who can afford a cruise these days? Sure not the sweet smell of victory that's for sure. Could it be the latest oil spill? Nah, and it doesn't smell like licorice either. One step forward three steps back, It just might be the agony of de feet. (get it?) 

Buy a new car they tout. Ha! can't afford a used one or even much maintenance on the one in the drive. All is but cruel punishment for following the rules of the game when the game was rigged in the first place. Have a look around your neighborhood and note all the parked cars with schleps trolling the net for a job that isn't there. Depressing isn't it? But not as depressing as watching another bank gobble up the assets of another while we get stuck with the bill. On that note....

Bank fails later.......
UPDATE: One bank fail this week in Idaho.


  1. Fuck, you think things are worse than I do.

    Who can afford a cruise these days? Apparently a hell of a lot of people, and a hell of a lot of them can afford a thousand or two to go to a fucking football game.

    As for my SS money, it isn't going anywhere in the near future and will be here for as long as I need it. And I get by just fine on it.

  2. people like to trash the banks and other big business but ask yourself what would happen if all the corporations disappeared on monday?

    absolute chaos.

  3. Chaos would be a good name for a town.
