Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Pussy - Is pissed

Nothing like getting kicked while you're down. The senate in the last two weeks voted first to give their corporate masters a nice after christmas christmas present with a 4 billion dollar farm bill subcity.  Part of that was done on the backs of the poor and the working poor who'll see their food stamps cut $90 a month on average.

If that wasn't bad enough the senate also failed to pass an unemployment extension, something they failed to do before christmas but again voted it down yesterday. What's truly irritating was that the democratic leader Harry Reid voted against it.

Lastly those unemployment figures are far from accurate. There's a ton of people out there out of work who aren't even counted because their unemployment ran out. 1.6 million to be exact and those were just the ones waiting for an extension. If all of your extensions had run out before the last cut off then you are no longer counted so the 1.6 million figure is even higher.

So as I see it Republicans are nothing but thieves and the Democrats are nothing but enablers. They are all nothing but corporate whores. Excuse me that would be an insult to whores. Speaking of whores...

Bank fails later.....


  1. As far as I'm concerned they can't keep passing unemployment extensions, no money for that. Folks will just have to figure out how to get by like people did before the unemployment program came along.

  2. bbc makes an excellent point. what is the use of having rules and regulations if you're going to change them every time you think you might get more votes but extending benefits that you can't afford to pay? same goes for the temporary tax cuts for the well off. get those rates back to where they belong.
