Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday Pussy - Valentine edition

Sports Illustrated has their swim suit edition which is odd because the gals appear to be only wearing one half their swim suits. Much like the joke "panties half off" except this time it was sans tops.

Plushenko drops out of the olympics. Not that I care after the Salt Lake city fiasco and anyway who wants to watch a bunch of skaters dressed like Liberace?

Weather has been weird. We've gotten little to no rain over the winter while the east coast gets creamed with snow and the UK is swimming. And they say there's no climate change. Yeah right.

And tune in to just about any newspaper or TV and you get another shooting or stabbing. What ever happened to settling arguments with old fashioned fist cuffs? Everybody walked away and the only damage was a black eye or two.

Lloyds and AIG lose money yet give their upper crust big bonuses. How does that work and how do I sign up? I can lose money with the best of them without really trying.

One last parting absurdity to ponder (think George Carlin here) As this day is graced with the likes of a certain saint like in spring a man's thoughts turn to the fancy or something like that, ponder the reality of the situation. A man inserts the part used for expulsion into a woman's part she uses for expulsion and nine months later there's the beginnings of the process started all over. Crudely put and lacking in romance and all that I know but that's the reality of the situation. 

What you have no amante? Then beat it.


  1. It has been a mild winter but I'm okay with that. Been getting enough rain here for me to keep whining about it.

    We've been lucky so far, I expect our weather patters to get even more out of kilter.

  2. The reality is that the day is dedicated to pelvis thrusting or the possibility of pelvis thrusting in the future. The corporate honchos just gussied it up with some Saint as the spokesperson and cute little hearts gilding the lily.

  3. I don't get involved in it, to hell with it.

  4. aig's making lots of money these days. sugar daddy barrack nursed it back to health.
