Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday Pussy is revolting

Just a short post to let all of you know I'm still alive and little has changed here at the Casa. My little corner of the world is still dotted with foreclosures in spite of being in the shadow of Boeing. Recovery? What recovery? Popped down to the hardware store the other day to pick up same do dad or other and was about gang tackled before I got to the front door by the red vested hoards. Passing by bags of compost, "No sir I'm not needing any of this" I replied. And upon browsing the aisles I was accosted by no less than 5 other clerks offering their assistance. If only we could get governments to work like this.

So what's up in the world? Been watching first hand the events in the Ukraine. The internet is such a great tool. You can now experience an event up close and personal and there's plenty of translators out here in cyberland to explain what's happening. Watched yesterday a large group of protesters capture a bus full of hired government thugs just waiting to join the fray. Didn't find out what happened to this lot but a group captured earlier were hand cuffed together, painted with blue paint and released. We've seen worse fraternity pranks back in the day. Never did find out what happened to the busload as the net dropped.

Say what you will about all the politics of this but it boils down to a few things. People around the world are longing for some peace and safety. There isn't much work out there and people aren't making enough to get by. Average wage in the Ukraine is $200 a month and like so many other countries in that part of the world their factories are closed. There was a time when it was all about a company or corporation. Then companies became like kids playing with trading cards. Finally it's down to trading entire countries. Saddle a nation with debt from outside and you own it. That said...

Bank fails later 


  1. Like I have said many times, too damn many people. Many of them with low paying jobs that can't afford to buy what is made.

    But a good thing happened here today, I went to lunch and then took a nice two and half hour nap.

  2. like i have said many times. life is good, life is short.

    enjoy the moment.

  3. glad yo are still kicking. Hope to keep up again. Things have settled down here quite a bit but haven't checked today's news yet.
