Saturday, March 1, 2014

Friday Pussy - The Russians are coming the Russians are coming

Okay pussies are late this week, but the Russians weren't. And just how they'll spin their luncheon of lies on this one is anyone's guess, but one thing's for sure the little guy isn't going to make out well no matter what happens.
First off the U.S, has been wanting to get some type of influence in that region for some time now. We did after all finance the Orange revolution when it started to the tune of $5 billion. And the average "protester" this time around got $500 a month for showing his/her displeasure in the main square. That's about double the going rate er income of the average Ukrainian. The bribes and corruption are beyond the pale here. Should we be surprised? No because that figure is buried somewhere in some secret budget that nobody can talk about lest they be called a liar. Makes ya want to have a peek at a CIA budget just to see how our tax dollars are being stolen. National security my arse. Plenty of money for fine leather chairs and wall artwork but screw the veterans who actually paid their dues. What did you do in the grand scheme of things senator other than raise funds for you next election and quash another bill that just might have helped somebody? Thought so.

So what's this all about? It isn't about ideology or some flag waving support of national pride although that's what they'd have you believe. This is about oil gas and who has the power to control it. Putin sure got the free market thing down pat, vulture capitalism at it's best. The bulk of the energy lines goes right through the Ukraine and on to Europe so why not keep control of it? Just don't try and cross Putin or you land up in an unheated cell in a place nobody's ever heard of.

Ah but there's another plot turn to this three penny play that's ever so hush hush. That would be the fact that Exxon Mobile was about to reach a deal with the Ukrainians after a discovery of a large gas and oil find right off their coast in the Black Sea. Exxon wanted to pony up $700 million so you know this was no small potatoes. All of this was about to start shortly until the revolution started or should we say Kanukovich got a better deal from the Russians. Guess he didn't have enough play toys at the palace, but then maybe this wasn't about money because after all he had more than he knew what to do with. There must be at some point where the mass accumulation of wealth is just not enough. At some point the money becomes meaningless and then it's about the power. What a sickness that must be.

The Ukrainians were screwed from the start. The country was $15 billion in debt (a paltry sum by US standards) with little resources. Had they taken the first offer of a "bail out" from the EU they would have been saddled with even more debt compound interest can be a mother if you can't pay it back. The Greeks found that out the hard way. The other option was to go with Putin and his band of thieves. Either way it's not likely conditions would change. One thing is certain the little guys losses. The debt which was magically created (remember it's all done with smoke and mirrors because that money never existed in the first place) will be laid on two nations at a very minimum. Germany France and the other Eu countries don't have that kind of cash laying around in a bank vault. So there you have it.

And speaking of banks let's see how the little fish did this week.
We see two more banks hit the skids in Va and Pa.


  1. Things are still pretty decent here, compared to there anyway.

  2. things are pretty snowy and cold here but i'm pretty sure things will warm up in a few months.

    all in all, life is good in salamasond.

  3. Closer to $75 billion in debt. And no one in Ukraine cares how much money the oil companies make if they can just find enough gas in Ukraine to allow us to end all gas deals with Russia. We are happy as hell to see them out there drilling, trust me, and the EU should be too. Putin may not like it though.
