Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday Pussy - Ukrainian style

Ignore the insignias we're really just armed ukrainian cats on a mission.

The say the first casualty of war is the truth and while the situation in the Ukraine isn't a war yet the truth has been well trampled by both sides in this issue. It might have been a bit more plausible had the opposition party not set up a stage complete with expensive sound systems and left it up for over two months. In that case you have to question the financial backing especially when thousands of people remained in the square. I recall the days of the Vietnam protests where protesters had about enough money to stay in D.C. for about three or four days before having to depart.

Here's a bit of back story from the people on the ground. Yes you could actually ask questions of these regular folks if you knew where to go on the web. Contrary to what main stream media would have you believe these people aren't as dumb as they're portrayed. While a small group are extreme right wingers neo-nazis as they're referred to the bulk of the people there realize that they have no taste for either Russia or the EU. They'd like nothing better than to have their own autonomous nation free from the clutches of the east or the west. Sadly that probably won't happen as the country is $70 billion in debt. With an average per capita income of around $200 a month things aren't about to change any time soon. Reports surfaced that the protesters were getting $500 to show up at the square which may or may not be true. It's a safe bet that some monies were paid because who in their right mind would go to a square in the middle of winter to freeze their butts off?

Exactly how this will all end is anyone's guess but one thing is certain, the people aren't going to want to remain in the situation they're in now for very long. And if you step back a bit from the politics you'll note that it's nothing more than two factions of the 1% fighting over the country. Russia is dangling the carrot of cheap oil and gas while the west has its' better life style to envy. And there's the matter of the Russian navy fleet based in the Crimea that needs protecting. One has to wonder if a few older folks long for the days of the old Soviet Union even though it was as corrupt a system as what we see now. 

We are now at the point in the play Mrs Lincoln where the curtain falls but the play isn't over yet. All we can hear now are some muffled whispers behind a heavy curtain and at present there'll be no going back stage to congratulate the actors as they're still busy trying to write the last act. That is if the bankers are still willing to continue financing this. 

And as usual bank fails later... 
No bank fails this week carry on.


  1. There has always been wars and turmoil, better that they be other places than here.

  2. bbc makes another excellent point.

  3. Thank you. Actually most of Ukraine sees a future in closer ties with the EU. We have had close ties to Russia for 20 years of independence and our economy has shrunk by 30%. Ukraine wants NOTHING to do with being part of Russia though we all realize they are there and cannot be ignored. If you want to know where the fascists are they are in Russia. As far as USA is concerned it is about Russia, not Ukraine. all Ukrainians want is decent government, rule of law, freedom from fear and some hope for a future. Under Russia, NO ONE gets that. Under EU, we at least have a chance.

  4. That entire region is volatile and much too complex for most Westerners to have an informed opinion on. Russia and Ukraine have a mutual love-hate relationship that goes back to the tenth century.

    I was fascinated by this article I found yesterday about the history of that area. It doesn't provide any easy answers but it's a good read, and it shows that the more we know, the more we don't know.
