Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday pussy - Got rope?

Rope? You have rope? Seems we're all near the end of the rope. At least for some. Latest fad seems to be cranial detachment. How barbaric. Don't like the boss and you have no cache of 8000 rounds? Well then a little lighter fluid and some rags will do the trick. Hits em right in the wallet. Everything is defined by "terror" now even if it wasn't. This was not a TERRORIST act. Nothing to be AFRAID of. Nothing to FEAR.  The victim was BEHEADED even though the suspect was not part of a TERROR cell. You get the idea.

And the second fav topic the economy which, should you believe the pundits, is going in two directions at once. Only the supercomputers know for sure. Bent phones, aircraft that doesn't quite fly right and more car recalls than you can shake a stick at and is it any wonder consumers aren't buying it. Take a vacation? Ha! and be replaced on one's return? Not happening. Anyway you couldn't get me on one of those floating virus incubators. Take the all new Norocruise and witness the splendor of the bottom of the bathroom bowl and it's swirling blue waters. Fly away you say? Ah yes nothing like getting groped and not so much as a thank you then being crammed into an aluminum tube with the rest of the sheeple. Please leave you seat in an up right position thank you very much. My knees can only take so much. Maybe you'd like a neck massage with your head in my lap.

Okay okay nothing left but to hunker in the bunker now what's on cable? What's left that they haven't turned into a reality show? Competitive brick laying? Oh they can do better than that. Dancing with perverts? Hum costumes might be interesting. Oh let's face it they've put nearly every stumbling bumbling act of humanity under the sun on TV. It's little more than bubble gum for the mind and the flavor's gone.

Well so much for my cerebral expulsion.

Bank fails later...
Update: None this week carry on


  1. and summer's over. i'm facing 6 months of rain but at least the hockey season is just around the corner.

  2. In some ways my fixed income is shrinking faster than I would like it to. But the geeks don't give a shit, they are all at least millionaires. How do they manage to get so much of our money? I don't even buy much of that stuff.

    Oh well, the mindless masses can watch hockey. :-)

  3. Beheading journalists on YouTube gets America into a new/old war while Saudi Arabia, which is funding ISIS, beheads people on a regular basis and are America's best buddies. Strange, you say?
