Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday Pussy - Scotish/UK edition


Lads and Lassies the vote is over but maybe not just yet. There's reports of massive voter fraud in the counting process. No this wasn't about dead people voting or someone without proper ID, Westminster must have known they'd be booted out of power after sticking it to the masses for the last several years.We'll see if this is pursued further.

Here's just a taste of the punishment that the folks at the bottom of the economic ladder have had to endure. Miss an appointment at the social welfare office and see your benefits cut for 6 months. Have and extra bedroom in your flat? You get a $50 a week tax slapped on you even if you can't afford to move and single bedroom flats are hard to come by. Then there's the assessments. Able to just barely walk to the mail box? Then surely you can get a job at Tesco (Britain's version of Walmart). And then there's the zero hour contracts. What's that all about? Basically it's working for your disability payments. The government pays the company what should have been paid out in wages so they're getting free labor. And as we all know disability doesn't pay a full wage.

Then there's the national health care that's slowly being dismantled. Just like in the U.S. the first attack is to privatize it just as we did with HMOs. You end up with a for profit system that few can afford to use. Forgot to mention up top that the folks who do the assessing have also been outsourced so they too are working on a profit motive. More people off the rolls or "sanctioned" as they call it more profits to be had.

So that is part of what Scotland was fighting against. That and the fact that any time they come up with an idea that just might benefit Scots it gets shot down in parliament. Who wants to be ruled by a party of thieves (look up the original definition of Tory)?

And speaking of thieves the banks have not changed their ways (but that's a post for another day)
Bank fails later. UPDATE: No fails this week.


  1. It isn't easy to break away anymore.

  2. The official Russian observation delegation are the ones reporting that the vote was not carried out in accordance with international rules.
    Police are investigating 10 individual cases of fraudulent voting in 10 different precincts. In Britain, I guess that counts as massive fraud.
    The usual conspiracy theorists are also hard at work trying to drum up something to keep the battle going.

  3. Well I'd agree had I not seen videos of vote counters putting yes votes in the no pile and one counter filling out blank ballots and marking them no.

  4. as they say; it's not who casts the votes that decides and election, it's who counts the votes.
