Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday Pussy - depressed cat version

We wonder why the drug companies sell so many anti-depressants. Look no further than any headline news. Note the words used on a daily basis. A brief list from the BBC latest headlines:

Yes these were actual words taken from today's headline news. The list goes on but you get the idea. It makes one wonder if there are any of life's pleasures left. Maybe a little to eat would life a spirit? Oh think again. Salt fat and sugar content are far too high, didn't you read the label first? Perhaps a bit of music to sooth the savage beast. You sure that song wasn't pirated? And what medium to choose? mp3, cd, dvd, or old school cassette, 8 track or I hear vinyl is making a comeback. Or you could choose from any of the broadcast media. Over the air FM? No that's about dead. Satellite? That you have to pay for. Cable? Again another subscription. The "Net" then but it's only as good as your cheap chinese made speakers. Oh the heck with it all I'll just hum to myself and stare at the cobwebs on the ceiling.

Then there's sex. That sure got complicated in the last few years. Wouldn't mind filling out these consent forms in triplicate before we go out on a date? A look is no longer considered a green light. And what if she didn't like it? No money back guarantees there. Harassment? I've heard some of the crudest comments from women on the job and it didn't get my feathers ruffled. It was a wild time during the Victorian era only nobody spilled the beans. Wouldn't have been cricket now would it? So where are we now? Teen pregnancies are down but STDs are up so maybe a bit more education is called for. Abstinence only sure failed. You after all should remember what you did when you were their age. 

Bank fails later 
One bank in Minnesota failed this week. Note they always get taken over on Friday so no runs on the bank.