Saturday, January 3, 2015

Fri. Pussy - Late financial edition

Shot stabbed shot punched kicked tazed. Is there anything we won't do to each other? Almost forgot raped, abused and neglected. I'd take the last one there. Leave me the hell alone then we can skip the others. Just can't think of any good innuendos this week. Have any to spare? And let's face facts nothing is sacred anymore. Santa Claus didn't come to town and your bills are going to go up shortly.

No global warming they say. Really? Then how's come west Texas is about out of water and California needs a trillion gallons just to break even? Frack you say? If oil drops farther you won't need to worry about that and forget that pipeline. Alberta will look like a ghost town by the time it's all over. And nobody has the balls to raise taxes that just might keep the party going. And why should they? The ones at the top are still ripping off the foreign countries with their fancy hedge funds and derivatives. Bet they don't even know what they have in their bank accounts. When the talking heads tell you 2015 is going to be a great year grab you BS meter and hang on. Why you might ask? Because even after the last melt down they're still selling worthless paper and the rules are pretty much the same. They can even use us as the rube. No more bailouts? Ha! That was neatly sneaked into the budget bill just before they split town for Xmas break.

Who's in the toilet swirling around the bowl? We have: Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and just added to the list a few days ago was France and Belgium. Scotland and Ireland aren't looking to healthy either financially speaking. Left out Cyprus and Syria and Japan. Sheesh this list is getting long. Brazil, Argentina, Equator, Chile, Venezuela, Russia, and most of the Baltic countries, oh and of course Ukraine which is looking to borrow another $15 billion. All it's going to take is one default and the house of cards comes tumbling down.

And on that note bank fails later...


  1. Sometimes it seems the members of the audience watching the boulder crashing down the mountain are so afraid of the inevitable they are willing to believe it might just stop of it's own accord.

  2. I changed my car horn to gunshot sounds. People move out of the way much faster now.

  3. You have not got more cheerful since the last time I was here. You are right about the house collapsing. Everyone seems so cheerful that Russia is going down the tubes (me included) but what about the banks they owe $500 billion to? They are all European. After bailing out Greece they are not bitching about a lousy $15 billion to save our ass. And the Greeks are about to elect an intelligent government that will tell the EU and the Euro "Romance and Travel|"

  4. I loaded some odds and ends of scrap metals yesterday and took it to the recycler and got $37.75.


    Gas is down to almost two bucks a gallon.

    More cool....
