Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday Pussy - Blanket covered edition

The ongoing news is enough to make a manic depressed. From today's ongoing breaking news:
Anti terror raids in Belgium
Gunmen attack French magazine Charlie Hebdo
Hostage situation in Colombes, Paris
Ebola outbreak
Police raids in Berlin
Islamic state threat in Iraq
Ukraine, Russia political crisis
AirAsia flight 8501

If that weren't bad enough there's the 25 million displace folks living outside around the globe, economic hardships in Greece, Spain and Italy just to name a few. All the while the boys on Wall Street suck the last dime out of the suckers before the Grim Reaper shows up. Let's see them try and bribe their way out of that one...Ha!

Ah but lest we forget the terrorists under your bed because then the boys on Capitol Hill will have to protect you by looking through all of your emails just in case. You have nothing to hide right? Meta data collection will save us they say. Yeah right. Ever do a Google search and not find what you're looking for even though you knew the item you were searching for existed? And just how many Bob Jones are there in this country or any country for that matter. Just hope your name isn't the same as the Bob they are looking for.

What country can survive without a Boogieman? It's those foreigners I tell ya. Everything was okay until they showed up. Wait a minute didn't your ancestors come from someplace else? An often overlooked fact in the grand scheme of things. But we always have to blame somebody, somebody has to be the fall guy, the scape goat.  Over the last 200+ years we've done such a wonderful job of demonizing Indians (American that is) African Americans, Chinese, Irish, Germans, Japanese, Mexicans, Jews, Mormons, Catholics and now Arabs and Muslims.

Heard one of the most absurd statements by the Pope last night. He said if somebody insulted his mother he'd punch them in the face. Nice one Pope who would Jesus punch?

Gad this world has gone crazy.
Bank fails later,,,
One bank failed on Friday in Florida. The total number of fails last year was 14. Lost count of the grand total but it's over 450.


  1. Ever wonder about the number of places jesus got his dick sucked?

  2. No but I'll bet when he hit puberty he looked down and said "I made this?"
