Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Monday Pussy - We got to get out of this place but first where's MY bonus?

(What you mean I sign up for 5 tours in Iraq? Thought we done with that.)

Kick the can down the road and hope nobody notices. Big follower of world news here and it's a safe bet the money boys are gaming the system yet again. Oil is the name of the game at the moment and just like the gold rush of long ago anybody with a drilling rig is out there pumping. But the price is down you say so how can that be? Simple. Those rigs and leases don't come cheap and once you've started it's hard to stop. While the Saudis have long since paid for their oil infrastructure the new kids on the block, that would be shale and tar sands, maybe not.  Frackers frack for oil and gas. It's a safe bet they run on credit like most businesses. Bet the payments are hell seeing as how they got into the game when the price was over $100 a barrel. A nice tidy profit when you're pumping a million barrels a day.

So where does that leave the world? If you're an oil producing nation and that's where you rely on the bulk of your income then you're screwed. Saudi Arabia doesn't care they just want market share that way it'll drive the smaller fish out. Unfortunately it's going to hurt Canada with its' tar sands oil. Harper has already spent that money before it hit the pages of the budget because if everything is so wonderful then why would the budget be held until April? Maybe he thinks we're all fools. Sadly the pain gets trickled down to the bottom feeders like Venezuela Nigeria and then to those who must import oil like Cuba. Sorry Raul Hugo is dead and they have their own economy to think about now. Maybe the U.S. could dangle some barrels of oil over his head because you know we're just swimming in it.

And with all the chaos and diversions going on (translate that to read: the military industrial complex is sucking the life blood out of the world) it's a safe bet (there I go again) life will get yet more chaotic. After all must keep the rubes confused during the robbery otherwise they might catch on to the game. Lower the interest rates yet again and "infuse" more money into the banking system cause you know a $43 million bonus just doesn't go as far as it used to.

Did we have any bank fails last week let me see?
We have one small fish ..er.. mean bank in Chicago now swallowed up.


  1. yeah, the saudis can make money at $10 a barrel but shale formations in the US typically have very high decline rates so north of $60 in needed.

    commodities are a tough racket.

  2. I won five bucks on the big game.

  3. Well, I don't give a fuck about football anyway, it's just a bunch of monkeys fucking around. :-)
