Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday Pussy - Consumer cat


Just like to do some anecdotal research into what's happening to the economy. Had to go to the mall to pick up a part I could not get anywhere else, at least not without a long range drive. Three years ago the mall was about 1/3 empty of shops with only a few strolling the walkways. Today all but a few storefronts were full but sans customers. Oh there were customers but the ones I saw were only questioning the few sales staff present and not buying anything. Sales signs said 50 to 60% off clothing at Sears. Went to an electronics store for a particular part and was immediately pounced on by two twenty something sales personnel. One kid went back to dismantling a display case that once held cell phones. One thing that struck me as odd in looking around the inside of the mall and the parking lot was the absence of teenagers. This was after all the peak time for their appearance, just after school.

Took a fast walk around the inside, wanting to take note of what shops were still in business, I saw many stores with just one cashier trying to look busy or on the phone. So I can only conclude by this outing that the days of "recreational shopping" are all but dead. No longer can junior afford to blow $50 on a video game and video stores are long gone with internet and cable. There was one kiosk that sold nothing but cell phone cases but had no takers. The gal behind the counter looked bored to death.

Don't see any cars with new car stickers driving about the neighborhood. With all the recalls think people might be a bit leery. Nothing more frustrating then to have to return a product that wasn't made right in the first place. Don't forget to fill out the return paperwork along with a DNA sample. And watch out for the restocking fees which translates into them throwing the product on a pallet with other rejects, shrink wrapping it and selling it to some other sucker wholesale.

Need a newer big screen TV for free? Well at least an older newer model. Check Craigslist. The only drawback is you might need a burly friend to help you move it. Some of those suckers weight a couple hundred pounds. An especially good move right around super bowl time of year. Good thing is some of the older models are better made.

And what do we do with all this electronic waste once it's doomed to the junkyard? We recycle it of course. You'd be amazed at the tonnage we rid ourselves in any given day. Where does it go once it's out of sight out of mind? Some of it gets striped and reprocessed right here in the U.S. while some companies don't bother and dump the whole thing on the Chinese. Nothing like letting their kids sweat over a boiling pot of hot toxic solder.

One thing is certain. They just don't make them like they used to. Everything now seems to come complete with a computer or LCD read out. Try buying a range or washer that doesn't have an electronic display. Yeah just something else to break down and it'll only cost 2/3 the price of a new one to get it fixed. Sheesh what a racket.

Bank fails
None this past week but with oil down it's a safe bet more are coming.