Thought I'd do a recap of the last few weeks if I can remember the high points.
Tenet drops a dime on Bush and Cheney unfortunately not being a slick spin doctor fails to boost his image.
Sex scandal abounds in D.C. with the first Republican resigning. Gee Ma it was only a massage...yea right.
Monica plead the fifth Goodling is caught instructing others to delete emails to put a happy face on the US attorney firings.
Alberto I have no use for human rights Gonzales gets caught lying again to Congress. Sorry Gonzo should have bought a bigger electronic eraser.
Rick Renzi (R- Az) A two tier investigation one involving fedreal bribery charges and the other an illegal or at least unethical land swap.
The "Surge" is going swimmingly well with 215 dead in one day, bombs going off in the green zone and the same day 33 people die at Virginia Tech. Think we need to put more money into mental health now?
Bush tries to show he can dance. He's got nooo moves.
Condisleeza Rice proves she has no understanding of the Russian Federation.
I know there's much more but I'll leave it for now.
I'm sorry about the cat up there but I'm still learning ze graphics no