Just had one of those eureka moments. That would be about what's ahead if we don't get this country moving again. People think that we'll land up like a third world country. That's not far from the truth but it will be a slight deviation from that as I see it. As much as one side of the political spectrum would just love to scare you to death and say we need to pre-emptively bomb other nations it's not that simple. Their plan as sick as it may be is to use our military as the front men for the behind the scenes corporate wars that's going on. When we went into Afghanistan with our flags waving and our yellow support our troops bumper stickers made in China, it was not known about the vast mineral riches. Cheney himself was know to say "there's no good targets there". That should have been a tip off as to what was to follow. That was an indication of "the plan". For Cheney the plan was to find a country preferably with oil, bomb the poop out of it, make a ton of cash contracting to the troops (because that's part of what Haliburton does), then make another small fortune rebuilding the country and of course there's the oil fields. Just icing on one very large cake.
So what did we do? We invaded Iraq and blew the hell out of the place. But since there was no longer a banking system we had to send cash (hey didn't our parents tell us never to send cash?). And cash we sent, pallets of it to the tune of billions of dollars. Some $11 billion of it mysteriously growing legs and walking away. But what a cash cow Bush and Cheney created. With a no bid contract Haliburton could sub contract much of the work and charge what every they wanted. As an example where in the world could you have a load of military laundry done for $100 and have it come back nearly as dirty as when it was sent?
Where is this all heading? Unlike North Korea where in order to survive, it's a good idea to join the military, the U.S. is stuck with a bit of a problem. The baby boomers are about to retire so there's no large draft age population moving through the pipes. We've managed to automate much of the military with drones and we've outsourced many of the ground troops with mercinaries, but the fact remains we're running out of cannon fodder. That puts a crimp in the perpetual war plan. Yes I expect that we'll move into Pakistan and we may land up in Iran. The corporations benefitting from this will see none of the down side as the bill goes to the taxpayer. Remember we borrowed just to pay for our current wars. And unless a end can be brought it won't matter who resides in the White House over the next ten years taxes will need to go up and we already know where the brunt of that will fall because the rich create so many jobs you know. That is if youre a Wall Street boy or a Swiss banker.
Where will we be? Not in too good of shape I'm afraid. Congress just once again turned down a bill that would have stopped companies from shipping jobs over seas. Because after all peope around the world need jobs that pay 30 cents an hour and just how do you expect Mr. CEO to pay for his next McMansion in the Hamptons?
Where does this all leave us? I see something that's a cross between Clockwork Orange and Mad Max. The upper middle class living in RVs trying to find a parking spot and the rest living in tents trying to avoid authorities from rousting their camps. Funny how back in the 30s they let people camp on unused land. Not so today.