News you can't use
Don't forget to check under you seat when riding a bus in Mexico you just might find a stoners stash or so Yanira Maldondo found out when police thought it was hers.
More tornadoes in the midwest. Nothing like adding insult to injury. Most of these happened east of the last big one that hit last week. Maybe they should build their houses underground from now on. Just saying.
More tornadoes in the midwest. Nothing like adding insult to injury. Most of these happened east of the last big one that hit last week. Maybe they should build their houses underground from now on. Just saying.
Russia will not send missiles to Syria for months. Here's the way that will work. They'll build new missiles for themselves and sell the old stuff to the Syrians. That's how they roll. They did that in Libya selling Gadafy stuff they had left over from Afghanistan that would barely work. Wonder if they have any spare Scuds laying around.
Yep the world has gone mad. Another article states that Russia will sell Syria new fighter jets. Let me guess Assad will have to take out loans to pay for those jets so the people will effectively be buying their own death and passing it on to their children. That is if the kids manage to survive.
Some kid wins the National Spelling Bee. Hey kid you never heard of spell check? And who the hell uses a word like knaidel unless your at a Brooklyn deli.
China says it's looking forward to cyber talks with U.S. Just send us an email or better yet text us. They know how to tweet right?
Consumers feel pinch as income flat, spending off. Hey that's not what they just reported yesterday? Yesterday was all hearts and roses. What happened? Oh that's right everybody bought hedges late last night so now it's Armageddon. Those scum bag investment bankers. Speaking of which:
Bank fails later:
Bank fails later:
UPDARE: One bank failed this week in WI.