Don't you just hate it when you had that whiz bang idea for a post and somewhere between going to the bathroom and the breaking news it slips past the gray matter down the Alzheimer hole of lost thoughts? It was here just a minute ago. Now where did it go? Is this what we have to look forward to when age takes it's toll? Of all the stuff I used to know, the places I've been and the people I've worked with it's all slowly fading like a morning mist. There were instructors who taught many a recertification course and I know of one who I just can't remember his name when I think of him. Every time the thought of him comes to mind I can see him. I remember what he said but I'll be damned if I can remember his name when I try to remember it. Then sometime later when I least expect it that name pops up like it should have been there all the time. Funny how the human brain works. So fear not it'll come to me sometime. Maybe tomorrow or maybe not. Now what was I saying?
Not to worry..While you may forget the small stuff..there will times of brilliance. Yes I said it...
Seems most of my thoughts are in the wee hours of the morning. Of course I can figure everything out..funny thing is when I do lay down for a nap.. all those thoughts and clever ideas go away. My evil wife takes full advantage of said memory loss and always states...I told you that...argh..;)
I've been forgetting stuff for years, mostly the "what did I get from my desk to ask someone about" thing.
here's an idea - keep writing! you'll hold on to SDOME of your brain.
Oh, I forgot to mention- my blog topic in about a month.
Tim that of course is selective amnesia a defense mechanism that all men develop over the years. How else could we survive the endless nagging about stuff that happened 30 years ago that doesn't matter? :-)
Roger that type of loss only happens to me when I'm in a hurry and late for something. With Haz Mat I have a mental checklist that hasn't failed me yet.
I was going to leave a comment..... but I forgot what it was....
It's that *&%*(!)^&#^ so-called "breaking "news" that does it.
Your brain will thank you.
Admiral Stockdale wonders why he's here.
okjimm scooped my comment, but I don't remember what it was.
Our minds are goofy fucks. I often can't keep track of shit I should and can remember absolutely worthless shit I don't have any use for anymore.
And it often wanders off to fuck with it's own interests, that sure pisses me off.
So I go over to Helen's to tell her something and as soon as I walk in the door she starts talking and I often forget what I went there to tell her.
Hopefully it's never to tell her my place is burning down.
Spend much time around younger people? Hell, they're just as bad or worst than we are so don't worry about it too much.
Billy didn't Mom tell you you'd lose your head if it wasn't attached?
Hell it happens but it always comes back at leas for now so you just write it down for another time. It is like a dream you forget when you wake up so you have to write it down immediately as I have done for years. You do your best thinking in your sleep it seems.
I believe I offered up a brain cell sacrifice back when Quaaludes were popular in my youth, and now realize that the ones I let go were the ones responsible for dividing fractions (never needed) and my innate sense of direction (critical loss, since I'm a nature photographer and often in the woods alone...)
I remember absolutely trivial shit like a middle aged "Rainman", but things like my own cell number or anniversary or where I left my glasses, keys, wallet, or car? Gone like the wind.
Writing it down doesn't seem to help, either, because I tend to forget where I've left the notes.
(heavy sigh...)
Billy didn't Mom tell you you'd lose your head if it wasn't attached?
That and that if the flange on your asshole gets too corroded that it'll fall off, so keep your asshole clean.
Not to worry..While you may forget the small stuff..there will times of brilliance.
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance baffle them with bullshit.
Then become a politician and get a life time retirement and have great health care.
The ones that bug me most are certain people, places and things for which I apparently have some kind of memory block. It's not just a matter of not being able to bring it to mind once when I want to. It happens every time I want to bring those few things to mind.
I've tried to figure out if there is some reason for blocking out those particular things, but I can't come up with anything. It's really annoying.
Fortunately, those are rare exceptions. I seem to have decent recall of most things. But I can certainly relate to the annoyance of what you describe, Demeur.
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