Not talking about any rock group or video game here. The world which was never the brightest sphere of intergalactic galactics is experiencing the results of it's even less bright inhabitants.
Me me me me me. It could have been you but it's all about me now. In our narcissic splendor we have pillaged the planet in such an orderly and chaotic fashion. If that sounds psychotic then you haven't been paying attention. No brownie points for you. What's in this for me you might ask? Oh there's the rub. Absolutely nothing my friend! Ha! and you though you'd get out of this with some golden parachute or at least a severance package of sorts. Neigh my un astute student no golden watch or cushy retirement plan for you. No escape plans here. It's either wood coffin or cardboard box for us all lest you be the well to do. Only then can you have choice of down filled head rest or maybe the silk covered pea cock feathers hand embroidered with your name.
A segue a segue my kingdom for a segue. Oh say can you see the bombs bursting in air the rockets red glare then it was the last thing you saw. How deviously adept we've become at destruction with now touted super weapons! (court trumpets heralding their arrival). And lest you fear the messengers of the Apocalypse, have no fear Wyoming is here to save the day with an escape plan meant just for you. Just what you can do with a bunch of northwest greenbacks I leave to your imagination but let me say this: corn cobs just might be at a premium. And as for the leaderly leaders who think that all is forgotten and they can just carry on leading once again they'd better think again. Revenge is such an ugly dish.
Now how do I get out of here before the weight of the world weighs my weary bones? Darn I think I've caught the Graves disease and I'm not talking about the kind that makes your eyes bulge. Reverse memory. Didn't eat pepperoni and marshmallows before bed. Didn't sleep with Poe under the pillow so what could this malady be? No rock and roll fever or (okay you know the rest). Some transmutating internet virus shot through the screen?
Oh what the hell let's all just have a glass of Merlot and leave it at that.