This is the closest thing I could find about beavers and royalty without getting truly obscene. Not that a give a darn about royalty. And exactly what is the function of these modern day slackers? Hey, do us all a favor and get a real job would ya? At least beavers have a function in life.
And now that the deep republican south has been ravaged by tornados those "by your boot straps" folks are changing their tune. Paybacks are hell aren't they? Now maybe you'll understand (to use a Red Green expression) "we're all in this together". Maybe your republican buds on capitol hill can get you a voucher. And why am I so hard on some of these folks? Because they don't seem to realize that our standard of living is based on a whole lot of sharing or as they'd call it socialized programs put in place many years ago that they would like to eliminate. Don't like social programs? Well then how about anti-social programs instead. Enough said.
Bank fails later.