In just a little over a week we've had revolutions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and now a nuclear melt down. And you think your week went poorly. As for me I went through another week with all limbs intact so I guess that's a positive note. Of course we never know what tomorrow brings so keep your fingers crossed. And remember no matter how well you're prepared there's always worse. That demon of the best laid plans of men and mice.
So enjoy your day while you still have it. Which reminds me of when doing an asbestos job when a woman onlooker asked " Are we going to die?" "Why yes" replied the supervisor "we're all going to die".
Bank fails later
If you every lose a limb, do you plan on going Ash & hooking up a chainsaw?
Ah, the little pleasures in life, I'm enjoying corn beef and cabbage farts.
Which economist was it that said in the long run...we are all dead.
Well, looking on the bright side, we're not suffering a severe drought.
It appears Blogger is disappearing comments that include a URL. I've had that happen two or three times this week. So I'll do this the tacky way. After my blog was hacked, I had to move it to a new subdomain. Oh!pinion is now at
Links to it are appreciated, and of course, you're always welcome.
yep things just get worse and worse and move faster and faster and as BF points out, in the end we are all the same "dead"
"What's it all aboot Alfie?"
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