Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday pussy Is she being contained yet?

The beavers are about to make their spring appearance but in the mean time we have radioactive cat to deal with.

Me thinks we're being fibbed to on the situation in Japan all in the name of not loosing face. Forget the face boys and tell the truth. The truth we can handle, lie and you will lose face. Funny how many foreign stations are presenting far more news about this than the American press. Wouldn't want to taint the reputation of that nice clean energy industry. Hey John McCain you wouldn't mind if we throw up one of these plants next to one of your six homes and bury the waste in your backyard? I thought not. NIMBY!

Bank fails later if I think about it.

Only one bank failed this week in Il.


Randal Graves said...

Lie and you will lose face does not apply to running for pretzeldent.

Tom Harper said...

Enough of this anti-nuclear hysteria. Man Coulter says radiation is good for you.

BBC said...

Me thinks we're being fibbed to on the situation in Japan all in the name of not loosing face.

The truth is that they just don't know what in the hell is going on in there. It's much more complex than a gas line fire that you can get a better picture of, for example.

But they will make it sound better than it may actually be to keep hopes up.

S.W. Anderson said...

I don't know if we're being out and out lied to, but I think the full truth is being processed for mass consumption — and shouldn't be. BBC is probably also right about those at the scene not knowing the complete situation yet.

Technology wise, we think we know a lot more than we really do, until something like this comes along.

Tom, I suggest we challenge Coultergeist to go for a dip in one of the fuel rod cooling pools at Fukishima, to prove her thesis.

Demeur, have you been unable to access my blog?